There are all kinds of ways codependent habits feed covert agreements in relationships.
Codependents can tackle their destructive relational habits with this one-two:
1. Listen to inner self and truly connect (this may take some time) to figure out what you truly want/need to feel safe and loved within your relationship.
2. Learn and practice practice practice effective communication. This will most certainly take some time to learn so have compassion for yourself.
Reprogramming your default for codependency is a process (as with all valuable growth). When you let the codependent default habit have free reign in your life, your connections become tricky minefields for you and others to navigate with all that is left unsaid and lying beneath the surface.
This is where manipulation, abuse, and toxic bonding breed so it’s very important you take back your power and reprogram!
Don’t be discouraged by the process. Being aware of the faulty habit is truly 1/2 the battle! The rest of the work just takes a little attention and commitment.
The most important part of this whole codependency thing: you’re not alone. Most (if not all) of us have experienced wrapping ourselves a little too tightly in with another person’s experience.
Do you recognize any codependent habits in your life or in someone you’re close to? How does that make you feel?