If pain is inevitable, then how can we keep opening ourselves up to LIFE and not get stuck in fear of more pain?
Whether it’s emotional, physical, or mental–pain is painful and we’re all going to keep experiencing it as long as we are breathing.
Yikes. That’s a pretty debbie-downer statement. But it’s true! Luckily (but not by chance because we were made for this), we have everything already pre wired inside of us to be able to absorb, process, and heal from pain.
Humans are freaking fascinating.
Here’s how we live with an open heart when our nervous system and all the alarms in our brains are telling us to shut down, avoid, divert, and lock down:
We practice choosing ourselves. This means consciously building trust with our inner self and daily proving our commitment is real (boundaries, self-care, paying attention to intuition, etc.).
This simple (but initially uncomfortable) ritual will transform every area of your life whether you apply your amazing (and overworked) analytical abilities to it at all.
For all the other over-thinkers and off-the-charts analyzers out there, this practice will bring the peace of mind and soul that you’ve always craved but never thought was attainable.
When you become fluent in speaking and understanding the language of your own soul, you will create a natural, fluid circle of security that is all your own. It depends on no one else.
It’s liberating to explore the world, love again, adapt to change, and dive into new experiences when you know (because you’ve proven it to yourself over time) that you will always have a place to belong, be loved, heard, and seen… because that place is YOU.
Become your own self-soother, security blanket, loving arms to rest in, and safe place to run to.
If you are courageous enough to journey through the dark places of your soul and accept each part of yourself along the way, you will discover that pain isn’t something to be feared after all… it’s what uncovers the magnetic force of unaltered, pulsing, meticulous, exuberant LIFE within you.
So, what are you waiting for?